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Eminent. Atelier

  • Emina Helić Čamdžić

E-Book: Mlinčići, jedinstvena baština na Plivskim jezerima u Jajcu

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Author: Emina Čamdžic, BA Dip. Eng. Arch MA

Update 22.09.2021: Supporting the SDG Action Campaign and the Global Week to #Act4SDGs #TurnItAround for a healthy, just and green recovery! / Podrška SDG globalnoj sedmici i kampanji za zdravi, pravedan i zeleni oporavak!

Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book
Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book
Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book
Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book
Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book
Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book
Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book
Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book
Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book

Watermills at the Pliva lakes in Jajce book

Ovaj isječak iz obrazovnog priručnika je namijenjen za osnovne škole, koji sam radila u 2015. godini i još je aktuelan (Dio je projekata sa CHwB).


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