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Emina Helić Čamdžić

EMINENT ATELIER Celebrates Earth Day: Join Us in Regenerating Ecosystems

Updated: Apr 11, 2024

Creativity working

 Photo © Eminent Atelier

On the 15th April is the World Arts Day, which highlights the contribution of artists to sustainable development and reinforces the links between artistic creations and society.

On the 21st April is the World Creativity and Innovations Day. To raise awareness about the role of creativity and innovations in all parts of human development, be creative. Creativity and innovations are important for the progress of society.

15.04. obilježava se Svjetski dan umjetnosti koji naglašava doprinos umjetnika održivom razvoju i učvršćuje veze između umjetničkih kreacija i društva.

21.04. obilježava se Svjetski dan kreativnosti i inovacija. Da bi se podigla svijest o ulozi kreativnosti i inovacija u svim odjeljcima ljudskog razvoja, budite kreativni. Kreativnost i inovacije su važni pri napretku društva.

environment map

 Photo © Eminent Atelier

Say no to plastic on Earth

 Photo © Eminent Atelier

On the 22nd April is the World Earth Day. Say No to plastic on the Earth. Be active in the process of reducing the amount of plastic that pollutes rivers and seasides where plastic waste floats, as written in the Booklet on the link:čnik-o-plastičnim-proizvodima .  Regenerate ecosystems with afforestation. The healthier ecosystems so is healthier the planet and its people.

Visit the website Plastic is not COOL:

22. aprila se obilježava Svjetski dan planete Zemlje. Recite Ne plastici na Zemlji. Budite aktivni u procesu smanjenja količine plastike koja zagađuje rijeke i obale mora kojima pluta plastični otpad, kao što je napisano u Priručniku na linku:čnik-o-plastičnim-proizvodima . Obnavljajte ekosisteme pošumljavanjem. Što su ekosistemi zdraviji to je zdravija i  planeta i njeni ljudi.

Posjetite stranicu Plastika nije fora:


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