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Emina Helić Čamdžić

International Day for the Natural Disaster Risk Reduction

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

This week ( on the 13th October ) is marked the International Day for the Disaster Risk Reduction and Natural Disasters Risk Reduction with the theme “ Fighting inequality for a resilient future ” about disasters and inequalities. In the theme is mentioned that 75 percent of natural disasters is directly connected with climate change, with the climate predictions that in the world are expected about 560 disasters per year until the year 2030. Vulnerability because of inequalities increases the risk to disaster hazards. For more information on resilient design and post – disaster reconstruction read the article:

Međunarodni dan za smanjenje rizika od prirodnih katastrofa

Ove sedmice ( 13.10. ) se obilježava Međunarodni dan smanjenja rizika od katastrofa i Smanjenja rizika od prirodnih katastrofa sa temom “Boreći se protiv nejednakosti za otpornu budućnost” o katastrofama i nejednakosti. U temi se spominje da je 75 posto prirodnih katastrofa direktno povezano s klimatskim promjenama, uz klimatska predviđanja da se u svijetu očekuje oko 560 katastrofa godišnje do 2030. godine. Ranjivost zbog nejednakosti povećava rizik od opasnosti od katastrofa. Za više informacija o otpornom dizajnu i rekonstrukciji nakon katastrofe pročitajte članak:


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