Photo © Eminent Atelier
In October marks the International Day of Climate Action. Climate change in the recent time has been very expressively visible, therefore is needed to raise awareness about the effects of climate changes. Measures for the refurbishment on the principle of energy efficiency are part of the measures that serve to decrease the effects of climate change as well as other energy and climate goals. In these goals belongs the decrease of CO2 emissions, also of other greenhouse gasses emissions, building refurbishment in the meaning of sustainability and conservation, as well as contribution to the goals of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.
Međunarodni dan klimatske akcije
U oktobru se obilježava Međunarodni dan klimatske akcije. Klimatske promjene u prethodnom periodu su dosta izražene i vidljive, te je potrebno podići svijest o utjecaju klimatskih promjena. Mjere za obnovu na principu energetske efikasnosti spadaju u mjere koje su u svrhu smanjenja utjecaja klimatskih promjena kao i drugih energetskih i klimatskih ciljeva. U ove ciljeve spada i smanjenje emisije CO2, kao i drugih gasova staklenika, obnova objekata u smislu održivosti i očuvanja, i samim time doprinos ciljevima održivog razvoja Agende 2030.
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