This week on the 24th October is marked the World Development Information Day which tends to raise awareness about the participation and contribution to fulfilling the Sustainable development goals of the Agenda 2030 and its components, as well as find solutions to the development issues using information technology, the Internet, smartphone. The aim is the economic and social progress
Svjetski dan razvoja informacija
Ove sedmice 24.10. se obilježava svjetski dan razvoja informacija, koji nastoji razviti svijest o učešću i doprinosu ka ispunjenju Ciljeva održivog razvoja i komponenata, kao i pronaći rješenja za razvojne izazove koristeći informacione tehnologije, internet, smartfon. Težnja jeste ekonomski i društveni progres.
Podijelite bog objavu sa prijateljima.
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Photo courtesy of Eminent Atelier