Photo © Eminent Atelier
In the year 2022 was exhibiting at the London Festival of Architecture – LFA with the project ' Architecture Creates Ideas to Sustain through Climate Change '. The exhibition was shown in the time period 4th - 15th June, online at the LFA in London.
Visit the LFA exhibition: https://www.eminent-atelier.com/lfa6
About the LFA exhibition: https://london.architecturediary.org/event/architecture-creates-ideas-to-sustain-through-climate-change/
LFA information at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Festival_of_Architecture
U 2022. godini sam izlagala na Londonskom festivalu arhitekture - LFA sa projektom “ Arhitektura kreira ideje za održivost kroz klimatske promjene ( The Architecture Creates Ideas to Sustain through Climate Change) ". Izložba je prikazana od 4. – 15.6. on-lajn na LFA u Londonu.
Posjetite LFA izložbu: https://www.eminent-atelier.com/lfa6
O LFA izložbi: https://london.architecturediary.org/event/architecture-creates-ideas-to-sustain-through-climate-change/
Informacije o LFA na: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Festival_of_Architecture