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Eminent. Atelier

' Nature and Us ' EXHIBITION

Emina Helić Čamdžić

The Eminent Atelier will house the new exhibition ' Nature and Us ' from 21st March to 5th April online. The display of photography work of architect and artist Emina Helić Čamdžić whose research explores the connection of people and nature.

Link to access the exhibition: ( Bring a friend! )

Sarajevo, online


Eminent Atelier će biti domaćin nove izložbe „ Priroda i Mi (Nature and Us) “ od 21. marta do 5. aprila on-lajn. Prikaz fotografija arhitektice i umjetnice Emine Helić Čamdžić čije istraživanje ukazuje na konekciju ljudi i prirode.

Link za pristup izložbi : ( Povedite prijatelja! )

Sarajevo, on-lajn

Kontaktirajte me:  EMINAHC87@ICLOUD.COM 


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